

share your stories, your music, your outfits (and so much more!)

on JanuaryEmber!
Just easily send an email to ContactJanuaryEmber@Yahoo.Com

so.. you're here. On the 'about me' page because you're somewhat interested in knowing even a teeny weeny bit about what it is i'm going to say about myself. WELCOME!
so were do i start from, mn.. I'm a 19 year old free spirited idealist. I strongly believe in love, and peace. I'm an Aquarian. (Born February, 18th) i'm the last of four. Yes, i grew up with 3 amazing older siblings. I sing, write.. and play guitar. Music.. takes up a whole part of my life. I enjoy telling stories with my songs, and being very expressive with my lyrics, when i can't say the things i would like to say. (Although, that's very rare. Being an idealist. i'm the type to tell you 'I'm in love with you' without batting an eyelid) I am so very much in love with Taylor Allison Swift. It's been this way ever since the 7th grade when i listened to her first single 'Love Story' she's been my inspiration ever since. 

"What's JanuaryEmber About?"

JanuaryEmber is a long term goal for me. All my life, I've wanted to go on that one website/blog that i could stay on for hours. Because it was so entertaining, yet so relatable. JanuaryEmber is a teen website about everything and anything a teenager can relate to. Their stories shared from teenagers from all over about relationships, sex, boys, and so much more. It was created to reach out to teenage girls everywhere who can share their stories, and read about other stories people have experienced, to share, joke and laugh about it. Knowing that other people out there can understand a certain thing that happened, because it's very relatable. 
There's also fashion, and music, and much more. This blog is all about YOU. 
what's the most embarrassing thing that happened to you recently? what's your worst breakup story? what's your hookup confession? share your stories. what did you wear today? share your outfits. What're you listening to , today? Share your playlists. 

I've got a lot planned for it, and i hope you all will be patient to see. 

oh, and p.s- JanuaryEmber means from January to December. 
JanuaryEmber. shh!


I love Walkers, and long car drives. 
Walking my dog, and curly fries.

Sitting on my computer, venting about my day,
reading all your emails, and laughing the night away.

Thanks for stopping by!
hugs and kisses 



