
Arthur George

.. by robert kardashian.

I mean, finally. He's doing something productive w his life. Arthur george is his sock company. The name Arthur is his middle name, and George is his late father's. Honestly, one of the main reasons i'm posting this is because i love the pictures from the photoshoot kendall and kylie were in.

Speaking of Arthur who watches/watched Merlin here? Omgosh, i'm in the last season and i heard Arthur DIED? Okay i know i shouldn't be suprised because, well, helloo.. King Arthur is supposed to die right? but nnnnnooo.

Wait, what? No, this post is about Arthur George, not King Arthur or Merlin.. oops

Here are the pictures from the shoot..

Click HERE  to go on Arthur George's website.

So yes, about Merlin..

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