
Clearasil Ultra.

 so naturally i've got freckles. Usually in the normal spot surrounded by my cheek bones. They've been long gone for years now but recently they started to show up again (Probably when i was sick and i didn't have the strength to take care of myself proper) now, because i'm not caucasian  these spots were on my face like rashes , not red/brown dots guys lol. How weird would that be, right? right. Anyhoo, they started showing up on my face again and that got me upset. I mean, i don't want any spot on my face. So here's what i did. I used Clearasil Ultra Facial Mask. I've been using it for some days now and i've got an amazing result. The spots are still there but their going. Why its so amazing is that i just started using it, i think for just two days now actually and the spots are dissapearing. Thing is, I'm not familiar with clearasil. I've never used any of their products just clean and clear. But i stopped and wasn't using anything because i didn't have any spot on my face anymore, but because they started to come back and i didn't bring my usual facial mask with me, i decided to use my cousin's.. Which is Clearasil Ultra. Last night when i used it and then washed it all off i felt and looked so good. I felt wonderful. I think i've got sensitive skin because a lot of facial wash products don't agree with my skin, but this one does, and i'm so happy with the result. I'll definately stick to Clearasil Ultra for a while. 

oh and yeah incase you might be wondering.. Anyone can get freckles. Trust me when i was young i was confused aswell so i researched it. So then i found out anyone, no matter their genetic background can have freckles. It's just common among caucasians.

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