
Hello Sunshine.

oh my God. where should i even start? basically i haven't been feeling so well.. I mean, obviously. I haven't posted anything in almost four days. And let me tell you something, those 4 days were the worst days of my entire life! I had malaria, it was.. the worst. Add insomnia to that. I couldn't/can't bloody sleep. Well, let me be positive, hopefully i'd be able to sleep tonight. Insomnia is a REAL B*TCH. Worst thing that could ever happen to you tbh. I think it's my punishment for being so lazy. I used to be able to sleep 24 hours a day. No exaggeration intended honestly. And now i can't even sleep 5 minutes without twisting and turning on my bed. No no, i couldn't. Not can't. I'd be able to sleep tonight, AMEN. This should be possible because i kept myself busy through out the day, made sure i didn't sleep. Funny, it might not have been insomnia, because i was ill, i was taking a lot of drugs. So maybe that's why i couldn't sleep, i don't know.. But now that i'm feeling much better, and i haven't taken much pills i'm hoping i'd be able to sleep. Fingers crossed! And you know the worst part? I was too weak to do shit, and i couldn't sleep.. So i could do literally nothing. Worst days of my LIFE! Jheeeeeze. I just thank my God so much that i'm feeling much better. And at that, i can say Hellooooo sunshine.

Hope everyone's been good, and no one's been having insomnia like some people...


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