
Boyfriends And BestFriends

So i was bored and on my laptop a few days ago, then i don't know, i just remember opening a page, and on the page it read "How to tell your Bestfriend her boyfriend is breaking up with her because of you" Lol, i was like "what?" How does that work, really? How did that even build up? Yourself and your bestfriend's boyfriend? I don't know, correct me if i'm wrong? but isn't that like a no go area? And then the article read.. " Explain to her that you've always liked this boy, and as a good friend, she should be happy for you". Lol, Then i wish i had friends that'll let me date their boyfriends and then be fine with it, and be "Happy for me". That's insane.


Let me break this down. In this post, i'm going to be talking about BESTFRIENDS and well, BOYFRIENDS. Sometimes we find ourselves in situations, and we don't know who to put first.

1.   Having feelings for your Bestfriend's Boyfriend

May you not find yourself in this situation. (Say Amen) Lol, reason being is because you'd probably lose the friendship you have with your best friend. Because it's a fact, don't believe what any article says. You can not tell your friend her boyfriend is leaving her cause of you, and expect her to be happy for you, and make you pancakes and smile, and braid your hair and all that bullshit. But the painful thing is that you honestly can't help who you have feelings for, and sometimes cupid can be a real bitch. You'll just suddenly realise you're falling for your best friend's boyfriend. That WILL suck. because you won't even be able to control it. The best way to honestly sort this out is to distance yourself from the boy, if you find that hard, then i'm sorry. But you'll just have to. Unless you're a bitch, and you'd continue hanging out with the boy until one day when you two would kiss or something, and your bestfriend would kill you with a frying pan. (now, we wouldn't want that, would we?)
Don't tell your best friend, that's what i think. You could think if you tell her in a subtle way, and then put every blame on yourself and then tell her you're distancing yourself away from the boy she'd understand. No, she won't. We girls can be witches sometimes. We could smile and say we understand, but deep down whenever the boyfriend's around, and you're around aswell, we'll be giving you one side eye. And we'd probably never trust you around him.. Again. 

2.  Finding Out Your Bestfriend's Boyfriend Cheated On Her

I've never been in this kind of situation, but i hear it's pretty difficult. I can understand this because it's hard. Imagine being at a party, and then finding your way up the staircase to a room you thought was empty, you open the door, and then you see it. Your bestfriend's boyfriend ___________ (Insert what type of situation you'd like) I'd say kissing. So yes you find your bestfriend's boyfriend kissing some other girl, what would you do? because obviously he's going to beg you not to tell her, that's if he knows you know. Honestly though, what would you do? I know someone who made out with her "Bestfriend's" boyfriend. (Lol, tbh, be careful who your friends are) actually i know someone, whose friend made out with her bestfriend's boyfriend. And then i asked the person i knew.. I said "Why haven't you told her what happened?" ( I mean why hasn't she told the friend, what the other friend did. Because the two girls are supposed to be bestfriend's, and the person i know, knows the friend made out with the other girls boyfriend) and the person i know said "Ah, i don't want to be the middleman" Lol, i see no one likes drama. And then i told her, i said "If she really was your friend you'd tell her" and then she said again, she didn't like drama.  But honestly, if you really find yourself in any situation like this, please tell your friend. Don't "wait for the right time", which foolish "right time"? Be the good friend your friend thinks you are and tell her what's going on. no you aren't a snitch, her boyfriend's just a dick.

3.  If Your BestFriend's Boyfriend Is A Control Freak

Don't even doubt this for a second. There are a lot of girls out there whose boyfriends still control them. And no, these girls aren't even above 18. And their boyfriends are controlling them. The reason the title of this post upsets me so much is because i don't understand it. As a female, how can you let a boy tell you what to do? tell you who you should and shouldn't see? It confuses me. I think all girls should be very independent, and should be able to stand up for themselves no matter the situation. I got something in my email today, it said " I'm kind of worried about my friend. she started dating this boy, it's been 2 weeks now. And i hardly ever see her anymore. It's like he's taken control of her now, she's not "allowed" to hang out with us anymore. What even bothers me is that i don't think she minds. She believes he's doing this to protect her, and because he loves her" Lol, buuuuuullshhhhhhit. Dear Anon, go and report this girl to her mom and her dad, let her dad take her to church. Lol alright, honestly. You need to SIT your friend down, and talk to her! Talk to her as a good friend would, tell her the boy obviously doesn't love her, because if he did, he'd give her her freedom, and not tell her who she should and shouldn't see. The wqorse thing about this is the longer it goes on, the worse it's going to get. Have you seen that tempation movie? Look how controlling he was, no suprise he was insane. If you find yourself in this sitaution, talk to your friend, maybe alone or with a group of other girls (that are her friends aswell, not random girls)

4.  Becoming Friends With Your Bestfriends Boyfriend

Sometimes, When your bestfriend is in a relationship, she'd like for you to get to know her boyfriend, you know, at least so you two could be friends. And then sometimes, you two might end up getting TOO close, but in a good way, you two may end up becoming fast friends. And then as this is happening, your bestfriend may not like this (Yes, she was the one who wanted you guys to get along, yes.) but you have to be reasonable, no one likes a third wheel. Your best friend may be happy that you two (Her two most important people in her life at the moment) are getting along, but it can be pretty annoying. Especially if you happen to be a goofy girl, and the boy loves being around you because you make him laugh. Trust me, this may be VERY annoying. Because seeing this, especially if your bestfriend happens to have 0 sense of humour, and she's noticed her boyfriend likes hanging around you, she'd probably try to up her game, and try to be funny. Which may not turn out the way she thought it would. And then your bestfriend may start seeing you as a competition. PLUUUUUUUUUUUUUUS her boyfriend may eventually start liking you, and maybe vice versa, which would only lead to my first post 'Having feelings for your bestfriends boyfriend'. It's awesome to be friend's with your bestfriends boyfriend, but just don't push it.

(Pictures taken from WikiHow)

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