
What's happening This Week: Worst Kissing Stories. | Confessions Of A Not So Lousy Kisser.

so, this week i'd like to hear all about your worst kissing stories. I got one today which you'd see below.
We all want to have those type of kisses you see in the movies that always look so magical. But let's face it, this isn't the movies and sometimes your prince.. might kiss like a frog.

Confessions Of A Not So Lousy Kisser. 

The first day i realised i wasn't the greatest kisser in the world was when i had made out with this one boy and after he had asked where the bathroom was. He was in there for about 30 minutes and right after he came out of the bathroom he wasn't so interested in making out any more. He made up an excuse of him having to leave and then he left.

source: wikiHow

what was it with kissing anyway? Are there techniques or something? was there something you had to do? where there secret classes that taught you how to be a great kisser?

This went on for a while. I'd kiss a boy and either that'll be the last time i'd see him or there'd be some awkward silence after and he'd leave. I told my friends and these are the things they came up with.

I'm a bad kisser because..

- I have bad breath
- I use tongue too much (But i crossed that off because i know i don't and mostly because its guys that do that. I don't know what it is with guys and that.)
- I have bad breathe
- I do the whole 'Lip biting' thing a bit too hard
- I have bad breathe
- I'm a dog

They really stressed the 'Bad breathe' thing because apparently it's the most common. But i assured them i didn't have bad breathe. I even had to breathe in front of one of their faces to show them but they accused me of cheating cause i was chewing gum at the time, oh please. After a while i gave up. So what if I'm not the best kisser? That isn't such a bad thing i told myself to feel better
Then i happened to meet this one boy i liked SOOOOO much. we got along so well everything was perfect. But then there came the time when we were about to kiss for the first time

source: wikiHow
I really wanted to back out because i didnt want to mess things up :(
everything was going so fine, and now i was going to mess it up. Anywhoo before i could back out he was already kissing me. I kissed him back already expecting the worst. He later leaned back and had this smirk on his face. "I think you're confusing my lips for your gum"
I realised i usually always had a gum in my mouth. That really doesn't explain much because i doubt i always had a gum in my mouth every time i was kissed, but that's a start! I'm not a terrible kisseeeerrrrrrrrr. well i'm not as bad as i thought i was. Me and the boy who said the thing about confusing his lips for my gum started dating shortly after, and we're still dating. He understand i'm not the best kisser in the world, and he's okay with it Lol x

- T

you can find this also in the link above titled 'Our Little Secret'

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