
Dear Maggie..

Dear Maggie,
I know I have about 12 mins before your friends come over and you'd be forced to dispose this letter,so I'd be very straight forward . This is an Apology letter, This may seem very weird and unorthodox considering you Ended the Relationship, And an apology letter is Probably the last thing anyone would expect from their ex Rather a very Hateful Letter(Which I considered writing to you a lot of times) but Solitude does help a man a lot. Its been 5 Months and 11 days since those Nine Words Left your Mouth. I think I'm getting a tad sentimental here so I should probably get to the Apologising Part now.

Well, Here's the First Part Of the apology, The apologies To You..
Maggie I'm Sorry You Didn't Want Me as Much I Needed You,
I'm also Sorry for carving out a future for us,
I'm very Sorry For not Doing but always saying,
I'm Sorry For Always Thinking And Occasionally Saying,
But Never Ever actually Showing how Much I loved you,
Actions always Speak Louder than Words,
That's a statement I never understood in 21yrs,
But 6hrs in Absolute Solitude Made it clear as ever,
I'm Sorry for Not Being The Starry eyed Prince Charming
That You Always Dreamt About And Hopefully May
finally Make you Settle Down,
I am Extremely Sorry For Being Myself,
Sorry For Being the Average joe with Receded Hairline,
Well Some Say "Its Better To Be a First rate version of Yourself Than a Second rate Version Of Another person Right"
You see The problem with these Quotes is they look So Good on Tumblr and almost impossible in Reality,
I tried being myself but I just Wasn't Good enough,
So I'm Sorry For Not being Good enough for you,
I'm Sorry For Being so Selfish for the 8Months we were Together,
Selfish in the sense that I Couldn't Understand how Difficult it was for you To ignore a thousand reasons All Formulated By Your Friends to Leave me,
 And Just Give you one reason To Stay.
Once Again I'm Sorry For Always Saying and Never Doing,
I'm sorry For Not Showing you a Thousand Reasons To Stay,
I'm Sorry For Not Showing you the Future I Carved Out For us, Not Like you ever had the time to even converse with me but Nevertheless I'm still Sorry,
I'm also Sorry For Taking you on Dates that weren't Expensive enough to the Taste of your Friends,
I'm Sorry For Not Reading your Mind and just knowing you weren't happy since you ever Opened up To Me,
And Finally I'm Sorry You Didn't Want Me As I needed you.

 That's The End of The Apologies To You, Now I'm Apologising to myself and I'd appreciate if you Continued Reading.
Dear Me,
I'm sorry For Putting you Through Hell Disguised as a Relationship,
I'm Sorry For letting you Settle for someone like Maggie and Her Friends,
I'm sorry For not getting you that FourSome,
You may be a bit Confused but Hey, I Paid the Rent For You and Your Friends and they also came along on our Dates So, I think its safe to Say I was in a relationship with them also, Hence The Foursome is only apt.
I'm sorry For letting people like Maggie, Undermine your Worth and potential and constantly making you feel Not Good enough,
You're one Hell of a Guy,
I'm sorry it took me this long to realise this,
On The Brighter side, I've indeed started working on myself and I'm certain we're Never ever going to end up with People like Maggie and her Friends
Oh, I forgot to add one more apology to your part.
Wait what was it again? Um I swear I had it a minute ago,
Okay I remember it now,
I'm sorry you lost out On such an Amazing Guy,
I honestly Feel bad for you But I think your Starry eyed Prince Harry Is somewhere out there and I Hope your Friends do find him Before you do.
I think I'm done apologising Now, Thanks a lot for the Time, I'm glad we're over. FUCK YOU!

                                         Yours Sincerely,


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