
What I Was Up to Today: Red Dress In A Gorgeous Room

okay, so today was good too. But no gorgeous bathroom stall, and i didn't get as much food as i did yesterday, i got to the party late, like 6pm, so how dare me ask for any specific kind of food, the food was almost finished. So i just nodded to anything they were going to get me. And guess what they got me, just the one food i don't like. Chinese food. Yes, i don't like chinese food, prawns are my only exception, but i didn't get prawns, i guess they were finished. I got chinese riceeeeeee. Ugh. I HATE chinese rice. But i had to try to eat it. I just ate half of it, i deserve a gold medal for that even. I had to wash it down with something. They now brought me some orange juice. I didn't want that, all i wanted was fanta. I'm a fanta girrrllllll. But no, i got juice, which i didn't finish either. So i just took puffpuff. (Which was so sweet just btw) what made me happy was that i remembered i had leftovers at home from the party last night, so i was just going to eat that when i got home.

Forced myself to eat half, i ate all the chicken though! Lol

Apart from that omgosh, the hall was so gorgeoussssssssss! Lovely chandeliers everywhere. Imagine seeing old women dancing to party bangers, i had to hold my laughter in. But why though? They were all family! There was some mad man who came to meet my cousins and i, saying he has a house in London, and money wasn't a problem to him. So why was he disturbing us? He now said he wanted to give my cousin a wife. Nigga fuq off. Lol

It was all so funny, i had a great day. The band was really awesome. Playing 80s and 90s music (which i loved) and then alot of party bangers of today. I'm blogging this from my phone actually, and that puff puff was sweet, i'm going to get another! X

Their playing girls just wanna have fun right now, and i want to jump up and dowwwwwn.

Ooh yeah, my puffpuff..

Aye, they've started playing yoruba jammmmmms. And in every song they say #Osinubi in it. Which makes the songs even better ;)

Man, i actually got here really late. Alot of people are leaving, but even at that i'd still probably leave at like 11pm. (Same as yesterday)

My cousin's bugging me to go dance now. And maybe i will. If i get $$$. Best part mate!

Naa, i'm not going to dance. My dress is too tight

I just saw a woman walk past w a tray full of fried rice, and what looked like barbeque chicken. Fml

Hmn, should i go dance? hmn.

It's all about the benjamins bbbyyyy.

I just saw a woman get 50s out of her purse lol. Fifunmi go dance!

My cousins just left me. No one begged me to wear a tight dress. If i just komole now, my dress could rip. Lol alright, their back now. Cowards!

Are these people mad? Where's my rice and barbeque chicken?

The mad man just came back loooool. My cousin's and i are in tears.

Oooh, these yoruba songs are getting me pumpedddd upppp

10 minutes later i'm still in my seat. Intead for me to go and dance, so i can pour it up and watch it all fall out. I suck

Their really giving out a lot of freebies, all i've gotten is a tray. Yeah, so i can put money on it. Money i shall get if i eventually get up the courage to go dance

But why am i like this, my cousin just stood up and went to dance, and she's got almost 25 hundred..

Nope make that about 6 thousand now.

My mom's gone to dance now aswell, i succckkkkkkk. My excuse is my dress is tight. Yes! Yes

some girl's just told me she loves my necklace, well thats cheered me up a bit

so i went to dance. I didnt get as much as my cousin's did because i went too late. I got about 35 hundred. I had a great time dancing lol! #Familytime #TheBestTime

Only picture i could take before i left, i was in a hurry. Bleh

I remember here the song 'Party Hard' by doneo was being played. Everyone stood up lol

Tried to take a picture, so you guys could see how beautiful it was, but my camera didn't do such a good job. It looks all blurry, but trust me, it was gorgeous!

So yeah, that's what i was up to today. I just got home, and it's about 12am now. Bloody tired x

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